Our cause is righteous and always has been. Some war against us by choosing to believe a lie, including lies about us. In doing so, they have leagued themselves with the enemy and are without excuse.
In treason there are no accessories; all who engage in the rebellion at any stage of its existence, or who designedly give to it any species of aid and comfort, in whatever part of the country they may be, stand on the same platform; they are all principals in the commission of the crime; they are all levying war against the United States.” [United States v. Greathouse et al., 26 F. Cas. 18, Case No. 15,254 (October 17, 1863): “FIELD, Circuit Justice (charging jury).]
That is what the law says.
In the face of the warring against us, including by those who choose to believe a lie about us and to act on that rather than the truth, we keep on doing what we do, exposing treason wherever we find it. That was the basis for the email sent to the sheriff yesterday.
2019-08-23 — ACTION — Correct Yourself and Others