Specific Intent

The state’s unlawful criminal case against me is now with the appellate court. Early Monday morning, I filed my APPELLANT’S PRO SE RESPONSE TO THE SHOW CAUSE ORDER DATED MAY 16, 2023.


Treason and genocide are specific intent crimes, and the state, by is course of conduct in this matter, has proven that it is committing treason with the specific intent to betray the United States, levying war against the people, and lending aid and comfort to her enemies. The state is committing genocide with the specific intent of destroying my family and me.

I have given the court enough to move lawfully for me; it remains to be seen whether the court will do so.

War and Public Health

Public health is my profession, and I was pleased to serve in public health practice and academic public health at the local, state, national, and international levels from 1987 to 2001 as I was building my career and completing my doctorate in public health.

I am a victim of and witness to treason, genocide, war, and more carried out by an invading and occupying enemy working throughout the United States governing bodies, top to bottom, across the board, federal, state, local, but I am also an expert witness, understanding how war is very much a public health issue. In fact, I have written of that to the U.S. Surgeon General. Continue reading “War and Public Health”

What You are Made of Inside

Yesterday morning at 7:00 AM EST, I was moved to write and send a letter to the Vice President as the President of the Senate (included below). The word forthwith was given to me at 8:20 AM EST; powerful and personal, at 3:05 PM EST; and as you see fit, at 3:06 PM. This morning I was debating about whether to forward that email to Senator McConnell and Senator Schumer in the Senate and to the Oversight Committee in the House, and Jesus said to check the time and its correlations, and I would have my answer. It was 8:52 AM EST. I checked the most recent correlation, and I had my answer, to send it right away, and I did so.

The Finger on the Problem

“So many have said that they do not even recognize the United States of America anymore, but many cannot quite put their finger on the problem. My family’s case is the finger on the problem.” 

Thus begins my letter dated October 12, 2018 THE FINGER ON THE PROBLEM to the United States Senate, to Senator Mitch McConnel, Republican Leader, and to Senator Charles Schumer, Democratic Leader. The letter is hyperlinked above, and the audio file that goes with it is below:

Ultimately, it is up to We the People to build the kind of country that we want to live in and to leave for our children. 

The United States has No Horse!

My letter dated December 23, 2017, to the heads of all three branches of the United States Government, legislative, executive, and judicial, begins with:

War against its own citizens has become a way of life within the United States governing bodies, top to bottom, across the board, federal, state, local, through all three branches of government.

That means that We the People are fighting for our lives. (9:56 AM EDT, 8:56 AM Ark Time). I am fighting for all of our lives, including for the lives of those who want to kill me and are acting like it.


Continue reading “The United States has No Horse!”

The Right of the People

Several weeks ago, I sent a letter dated April 6, 2018, to Congress. More specifically, I sent that to the members of the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight & Government Reform and the Committee on the Judiciary, regarding: INVESTIGATION OF POTENTIAL BIAS AND FISA ABUSE AT DOJ, FBI. The subject line is: CONGRESSIONAL RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF TREASON.

That excerpt is a portion of the first page. The letter itself ran to 28 pages and has Exhibits A through Q. I have sent subsequent correspondence to the same two committees. For those, I have used RE: CONGRESSIONAL RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF TREASON, and have used Subject lines as appropriate; for example: Continue reading “The Right of the People”

In Brief

This afternoon I received another letter from Josiah, from Jesup FCI, detailing his interaction with staff. He mentions that he has been in “investigatory detention” and also mentions SHU (Special Housing Unit) otherwise known as “the hole” or “hell” or “solitary confinement.”

Despite the stress of all of that, Josiah comes across as very measured and (to me) even bright. That is characteristic for him, to be pleasant in the most serious of circumstances. Here is a scanned copy of the letter.

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Continue reading “In Brief”